
Get Involved

Learn more about fundraising and volunteering for QEF
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We support almost 10,000 disabled children and adults a year to achieve their potential and be as independent as possible and quite simply, we couldn’t do this work without the personal involvement and generosity of you, our volunteers and supporters.

Over recent years your support has enabled QEF to develop our expert services for disabled people,  enabling more individuals to achieve their potential and live with greater independence.

Our state of the art Care and Rehabilitation Centre supports people to rebuild their lives and core skills after an acquired brain injury, stroke, incomplete spinal injury or neurological illness.   The free loan scheme for Bugzi, a mini-powered wheelchair for children produced at MERU, enables disabled children to be independently mobile – often for the first time. And at Mobility Services the expert teams support disabled people to learn to drive and recommend adaptations to cars and mobility equipment, as well as supporting people to travel by air. All this work enables disabled people to lead more independent lives and could not happen without your help.

Thank you for your continued support.

Support our work

We always welcome new fundraisers, whether it’s individuals, families and friends, or businesses


View our available volunteer positions

Community support

We appreciate all the support we receive from our local communities

Support Our Shops

In our shops we sell a wide range of donated goods (clothing, bric-a-brac, toys, games) all at bargain prices.

Our Stories

Make a Donation

Make a one-off donation or a recurring support payment

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