Pass Plus

Pass Plus builds on the skill and knowledge gained when taking lessons before passing the driving test.
olivia pass plus

The course teaches how to further develop skills in planning and anticipation and to help increase confidence in a range of conditions including motorway driving. Pass Plus is an established and flexible training course aimed at new drivers. It was designed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) with the help of insurers and the driving instruction industry.

What’s Involved?

Pass Plus consists of six modules about driving in different conditions including:

  • Town driving
  • Driving in all types of weather conditions
  • Driving on rural roads
  • Driving at night
  • Driving on dual carriageways
  • Driving on motorways


Pass Plus training will usually take six hours (one hour per module), though it can take longer if necessary.

The Training Sessions

Pass Plus is a practical course and all modules are expected to be practical sessions. However, local conditions and time of year may mean that some modules need to be given as theory sessions. At least five-and-a-half out of six hours should be spent in the car.

There is no test at the end of the course as the modules are continually assessed.

Recording Progress

Instructors complete a training report when you reach the required standard in each module. To pass the course a satisfactory standard must be achieved in all modules. A progress record is provided to keep track of advancement throughout the course.


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