
50th Anniversary Guinness and Oyster Luncheon surpasses expectations.

Expectations of a successful 50th Guinness and Oyster Luncheon at Mansion House were totally surpassed with a record breaking total of £91,892.89 raised for a new specialist care and rehabilitation centre which will help people to recover from brain injuries.

While the Guinness and oysters naturally took the starring role, Mark Howarth, a former brain injury resident, spoke about his experiences recovering from a brain haemorrhage that left him with serious cognitive and communication issues. His dramatic improvement, he said, could not have happened without QEF.

Other speakers included QEF President, Corinna Lady Hamilton of Dalzell DL, Sheriff of the City of London, Dr Christine Rigden, who spoke on behalf of the Lord Mayor and Rugby legends, Mark Regan MBE and Zinzan Brooke who entertained with audacious stories from the field of play.

Grateful thanks for ensuring the success of this event go to the sponsors: Diageo, Lead sponsor, Oracle and Intel, co-sponsors, and Cenkos Securities, Red Stack Tech and Oakley Capital, 50th Anniversary sponsors. Record breaking prize draw sales and silent auction bids also contributed to the worthy result for this milestone event.

Guinness and Oyster Committee chairman, Mike Lobb, said, “on behalf of my fantastic committee I must thank everyone who supported our 50thAnniversary lunch in any way. The record breaking success of this year translates into real help for people recovering from brain injuries.”  

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