
Open morning a great success

Welcoming health professionals, commissioners and case managers, our first open morning at the Care and Rehabilitation Centre was a great success. There were lots of opportunities to meet our expert teams, see the fantastic facilities, hear about the different services QEF provide, as well as network with other professionals and discuss future requirements.

The presentation from the morning highlights the different pathways available to clients and some of the goal driven, person centred therapy programmes that have been delivered, that build on individual motivations.

physio hoist
Physiotherapy team demonstrate the hoists in the gym that help people learn to walk again
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Occupational Therapy team enable people to better understand the experience of driving a wheelchair around obstacles with added visual impairments
interactive room
Interactive room with interactive floor and wall projections
accessible tech
demonstration of accessible technology in the bedrooms – closing the blinds, turning on lights, changing room temperature etc
CRC open morning presentation 2
Presentation from a Commissioner on the type of clients she refers and the outcomes achieved that have saved money


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